JUMP TOAPI SETUPRetrieve or create an API tokenAPI EndpointsCUSTOMERSContactsRetrieve a contactgetDelete a contactdeleteUpdate a contactpatchList contacts for a customergetCreate a contactpostCustomersList customersgetCreate a customerpostRetrieve a customergetDelete a customerdeleteUpdate a customerpatchRetrieve a customer by external idgetPROPOSALSProposal ApprovalsAction an approvalpostRetrieve approval status for a proposalgetRequest approval for a proposalpostProposalsList proposals for a customergetGet an item schedulegetDelete an item scheduledeleteUpdate an item schedulepatchAdd an item schedulepostGet a proposal itemgetDelete a proposal itemdeleteUpdate a proposal itempatchAccept a proposalpostList events for a proposalgetAdd a proposal itempostBatch add/update/remove proposal itemspatchArchive proposalspostBulk expire proposalsputCancel a proposalpostClear legacy checkout flag from all proposalspostCopy a proposalpostList proposalsgetCreate a proposalpostAdd new renewal configuration to proposalpostRetrieve a proposalgetDelete a proposaldeleteUpdate a proposalpatchList upgrades for a proposalgetRetrieve a proposal by external IDgetRetrieve the signing document for a proposalgetRetrieve signing view for a proposalgetShare a proposalpostPerform proposal maintenance: expire and regeneratepostPreview proposal delta spansgetRestore proposalspostToggle legacy checkout flag for a specific proposalpostUpdate a cover letterputList proposal templatesgetSUBSCRIPTIONSSubscriptionsList subscriptions for a customergetArchive subscriptionspostList subscriptionsgetList proposals for a subscriptiongetCreate change proposal for a subscriptionpostRetrieve a subscriptiongetUpdate a subscriptionpatchRetrieve payments for a subscriptiongetRetrieve the active usage billing schedules for a subscriptiongetRestore subscriptionspostRecalculate outstanding billing schedule issue datesputRetrieve a billing schedulegetUsageList usage for a billing schedulegetCreate usagepostTRANSACTIONSInvoicesList invoices for a customergetArchive invoicespostRetrieve an invoicegetUpdate an invoicepatchRetrieve invoice activitygetList invoicesgetResend invoice emailpostReceive Payment for an InvoicepostFetch past_due invoices for an organizationgetCreates and sync an invoice for a billing schedulepostPaymentsRetrieve a paymentgetGet payment by referencegetList paymentsgetUpdate a billing schedulepatchPRODUCTSProductsCopy a productpostList productsgetCreate a productpostRetrieve a productgetDelete a productdeleteUpdate a productpatchList available upgrades for bundle items nested within a bundle productgetRetrieve latest version of a product by root_idgetRetrieve stats about how a product is usedgetList active productsgetCreate a product versionpostSETTINGSAttachmentsList attachmentsgetCreate an attachmentpostRetrieve an attachmentgetDelete an attachmentdeleteUpdate an attachmentpatchWebhooksCreate a webhookpostGet events for a webhookgetDelete a webhookdeleteUpdate a webhookpatchTest a webhookgetList webhooksgetCacheflow APIIntegrationsEvent record by idgetReconciliation summarygetList integration eventsgetGive the counts of integration eventsgetList events for billing schedulesgetList integration eventsgetReconciliation summarygetLink object based on entitypostResync billing schedulesputUnLink object based on entitypostApproval RequestsRetrieve approval requestsgetCRMCreate a renewal deal in CRM for a renewal proposalpostList deal pipelinesgetList external customersgetList external productsgetTrigger a sync of a proposal to CRMputInvoiceRestore invoicespostRefundsList RefundsgetSchedule a refund for a transferpostGet Refund by IDgetGet Refund activity by IDgetGet Refund events by IDgetGet Refund activity by IDpostAuthenticationList SSO ProvidersgetMetricsCreates metrics for this contractputGets item interval metrics for this contractgetGets item metrics for this contractgetPayment MethodsList payment methods.getProposal DeltasRetrieve proposal delta spansgetDocuSignRetrieve DocuSign envelope quotagetPayment TermsSlackMigrationConvert a proposal to a subscriptionpostMigrate subscription to CacheflowpostStripePowered by Delete a proposaldelete https://example.com/api/latest/proposals/{id}